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Not sure what I'm doing wrong...I can't get this to show up on my PD. Sideloading shows the Boatload card, but the correct name, neither games show up on my PD though.

Have you sideloaded a game before and it worked?

Yeah, I have done a couple hundred. (I review PD games) I was hoping I was missing something obvious though.  It’s weird to see it pop up on the site but nowhere on the console. 

I just uploaded a new build with a new build number, let me know if that works

IT WORKED. *clapping emojisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss


Great! Hope you like it!


I love it so much! Great art, great animations, and fun swing mechanic :) I had a little bit of a hard time figuring out how to aim right above myself, but for the rest the game is easy to figure out.

My current high score is 33, very proud of myself 😎

Glad you like it! 33 is the highest score I've heard of so far. Any features you wish were added?


are you lookin to update with a full baseball game mode in the future, hopefully? :3

(1 edit)

Definitely have some ideas for the future, though it might not necessarily be a typical full baseball game mode... might be something a little different. Glad you like it!

Excited to see where you take this :)

So psyched to play this! Not sure if you saw on the Playdate Discord, but I'm having some trouble sideloading it for some reason, even though the sideloading part of Playdate's site is showing it normally. Thank you!


Hey! Sorry there's an issue, I reuploaded the game with a new build number / bundle ID, hopefully this fixes the problem! Let me know if it still doesn't work.


Thank you so much, it works like a charm now! I've been dying for more baseball representation on Playdate, and this is already hitting (heh) for me!


This is neat! I could spend a while getting good at hitting those fancy angles.